Monarchs Sovereignty
Monarch’s Sovereignty
Rod, legendary (requires attunement)
This rod is decorated with images of a powerful leader shielding others from harm. It appears to have been made of a mixture of adamantine and mithril but is now also suffused with ooze. Attuning to the rod requires sitting in a throne and holding it aloft as the majority of a city swears fealty to you.
While attuned to this rod, you gain several benefits when you are seated on your throne.
- You know if you hear a lie.
- You have advantage on Persuasion checks.
- You are immune to being charmed.
- You are aware of the general mood of your citizens and the general location of any sources of discontent or concern.
- The rod sends you a mental ping like the alarm spell if an unexpected group of twenty or more individuals is within 5 miles of your city.
Additionally, at any time while carrying the rod you can use your action to cause one of the following effects.
- You cast teleport. When cast in this way, the spell can only bring you to your throne. The rod is considered an associated object for purposes of arriving on target. Once used, this ability can’t be used again until the next dawn.
- You cast telepathy. When cast in this way, there are no verbal, somatic, or material components. Only creatures currently concentrating on detect magic are aware that a spell has been cast. Once used, this ability can’t be used again until the next dawn.
- You cast storm of vengeance targeting a point that is within 5 miles of the borders of your city. The rod maintains concentration on the spell, but you direct it. Once used, this ability can’t be used again for 30 days.
Ref: T&H p242